What i would do if i was Prime Minister (not that i’d want to!)
Not that this is any aspiration of mine. I think people who know me would probably agree that i am far too impatient and politically incorrect to run the country. Or any country for that matter.
I do however think that very little is done in terms of ‘out of the box’ thinking to solve our biggest problem here : Unemployment.
Here’s an interesting scenario:
There’s £4.6bn being spent every year on unemployment benefits. There are 750 Job Centres employing 78,000 people scattered around the country. A few of the most common jobs offered are sales rep, carer, call centre agent which pay minimum wage of £6.19 phour.
And then picture this. Of he 2.51m unemployed and able to work, a whopping 99% are literate and 82.7% had some higher education beyond.continue reading »