The Innovators Dilemma is arguably one of – if not the – most important book in describing how technological innovation works and why almost always the incumbents and leading players in markets fail to capture the next wave of innovation in their market and have their lunch eaten by a newcomer. This book is so good I read it multiple times and every time I learn more. Below I share what I think is the most important excerpt from this book which captures its key essence (although I highly suggest anyone operating in the technology business to read the entire book)continue reading »
“The ability to charm dogs off a meat truck”… “When people want to follow you even if just out of curiosity” … “The ability to make the other guys feel in charge”. To “empower”, to “motivate”, to “inspire”… The list of attributes to what makes a great leader is countless. They all make a good read, but none of them fully capture the true essence of what makes a great Leader in a complete way, I believe
Great leaders may posses a myriad of attributes, no least of which are smarts, intelligence, charisma and natural charm. All of these things matter. However you can be a great leader and not be naturally charming or very intelligent, or many of the other attributes named. continue reading »
I was recently asked by someone why I do (or carry on doing) what I do. It’s such a simple question yet it startled me. It’s easy enough to jump in to a knee-jerk textbook answer. But its really hard to articulate why it really is that you do what you do (short of things like necessity, habit, or lack of choice. The ‘why not’ is not a valid answer.continue reading »