Meet some PPHers who share their story with us!

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Another great hangout with PPHers!

This last Friday I held the second video chat with members of the PPH community via Google Hangouts. Both hangouts were so successful (at least I felt so and gauging by the tweets from those who participated I think that is the general consensus) so we decided to regularize them. From now on, every Friday whoever wants to chat with me with no particular agenda, just to share their concerns, issues, delights and whatever else regarding PPH, please sign up on: (The time of the hangouts may vary depending on what time zone I’m in, but they will happen nonetheless.)

At this point, I should say a special thanks to all those who participated so far! A lot of great things came out of these hangouts, including the need to communicate certain things to the community, like the ones below.continue reading »

Yet more fantastic illustrations

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Explanation of Fee changes at PPH

We recently introduced our new pricing, the rationale of which we have explained a few times already in previous posts. In short: to align our interest with that of our most loyal users who bill / buy regularly via PPH.  In this post I aim to address some (ill-conceived I believe) concerns that the new pricing is a fee hike, when in fact it’s a drop. I explain why below.

As a recap: the way our new pricing works is that we charge a 3.5% fee on work billed and paid (instead of previously 10%) apart from the first £175 in aggregate in any given month. In other words: rather than have a flat 10% fee regardless of whether one bills £10 or £10,000 in the month (which makes little sense) we inverted it such that we charge a rock bottom fee of 3.5% past a certain threshold (or ‘cliff’).  Below the threshold a higher fee applies which ensures that we sustain a reasonable margin to keep the business growing, whilst deliver more value to our loyal users.

In short: we went from a flat fee where everyone pays the same come what may to a ‘the more you bill the less you pay’ scheme. We tweaked the amounts to come up with something that we think delivers best value to our regulars. And this is how we came up with the figures.continue reading »